Outdoors Thinking

20160404232920 b37f6d4c

Creating Rich Experiences Outdoors- (SY02)

4 training days spread over 6 months following the syllabus of Module 1

Course Dates

Timings - 9.30 -15.30

  • Tue, Jan 30th 2024 Start Date
  • Tue, Mar 12th 2024
  • Tue, Apr 30th 2024
  • Tue, Jun 11th 2024 End Date


This course takes place here:

Manor Lodge Discovery Centre
197 Manor Lane
S2 1UJ

HN01 Venue Images

Book a place

Fully booked

More details about this course:

Creating rich experiences outdoors


Venue FAQs

How do I get to the Discovery Centre?

Please find all the information regarding directions and how to get to The Discovery Centre using the below link to their website.


Trainer FAQs

3 Words that best describe Jane




What does Jane love about the outdoors?

I love the fresh air, being able to see the sky, hear the birds, smell the earth, touch the leaves, bark and grass. It makes me feel alive in a way I never feel when indoors.

What is Jane's favourite moment in the outdoors?

Walking through a wood carpeted with wood anemones in early spring.

Why does Jane think Outdoors Thinking is Unique?

We are a fabulous, knowledgeable, experienced team, all totally committed to connecting adults and children with what the outdoors can offer in play and learning in a way that feels very natural.

What is Jane most excited about in her role at Outdoors Thinking tutor?

I have run training and consultation around realising the potential of the outdoor space in early years settings for a number of years now- using, improving and enjoying them, however basic they may seem at first. I think this training programme encompasses everything I believe in and will enable so many more people to appreciate and develop their outdoor provision in a very achievable way.