The enthusiasm from Local Authorities towards The Certificate In Outdoor Practice Level 3 has been incredible.
Our first courses, launching in Spring 2022, were met with strong support from the early years sector across the UK, with 130 practitioners participating in these first cohorts running in Bristol, Norfolk, Sheffield and Dungannon, Northern Ireland.
In 2023, we see further Local Authorities funding courses in Hounslow and Aberdeen, as well as repeat courses in all the existing local authority areas.
In Wales there is such a close synergy between the Curriculum for Wales and the Certificate in Outdoor Practice, that the Welsh Government has provided funding for the qualification to be translated into Welsh and for a ‘Train the Trainer’ course finishing in April 23, ready for these Welsh-speaking trainers to run their own courses from May 2023.
In Northern Ireland we have been working closely with the well-regarded Clare Devlin Early Education Consultancy, who piloted the course for Outdoors Thinking and has advised on the programme development. The pilot was very well received and as a result, another two full-fee paying courses started in Sept 2022 based in Bellaghy, Magherafelt, with excellent results so far. In Northern Ireland there are now 55 participants taking part from Sure Starts, Preschools, Nursery and Primary schools.
In England we have been running the qualification over a wide geographical area - Norfolk, Sheffield and Bristol - made possible by close collaboration with the funding Local Authority. We are exploring the potential for offering courses in further areas.
We are now working with Scottish Authorities and will be providing the qualification in collaboration with Aberdeen City Council, our first Scottish Local Authority partnership.