Outdoors Thinking

Nature Blocks by Muddyfaces

Terri Harrison

Aberdeen and Aberdeenshire Trainer

3 Words that best describe Terri




Why does Terrilove the outdoors?

My love for nature comes from my father, a Welshman with a passion for the hills. Growing up in Birmingham, I didn't see much greenspace or much of him during the week but at weekends he would take all of us on long drives to where we could walk and experience natural spaces. He used to say the hills were his 'church' and he helped me to experience awe and wonder for the natural world.

What is Terri's favourite moment in the outdoors?

Welcoming new children to Nature Nurture and watching them discover and explore natural spaces. I love sharing those 'wow' moments with children when they experience awe and wonder too.

What is Terri most excited about in her role as Outdoors Thinking Tutor?

I am excited about working with our inspiring Outdoors Thinking team and helping to support growth and positive change in Scotland's nurseries and schools. I'm excited about the enormous potential Scotland affords for children's healthy and happy development and I feel privileged to have the opportunity to work with teachers, practitioners, local authorities and leaders in education on realising this potential.

Why does Terri think Outdoors Thinking is unique

It is an immersive course and the pedagogy is immediately relevant to the participants' daily practice. Its inspiring and affirming and the slow and unhurried approach is as restorative for participants as it is for the children in their settings.

Most of my adult life I have lived and worked in Camphill Communities teaching and managing team in nursery, school and young adult provision. My husband Daniel and I developed Nature Nurture, an intervention for children that promotes resilience through time spent in nature with attuned and nurturing adults. I love training and currently run a Nature Nurture training course for individual teachers and local authorities as well as teaching. Find out more about Nature Nurture or list to Terri talking about the project here

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