My name is Pippa Hawkins, BED Hons and MA in Early Years + Level 3 Forest Leader. I have been teaching for over 30 years in Primary, Middle schools, Teacher Trainers in Tanzania and the last 20 years in EYFS Nursery Classes and Nursery Schools in Bristol. I am now a Lead Teacher and Area Lead for Bristol City Council Early Years Team, working with childminders, EYFS practitioners and teachers in schools and settings across Bristol. I am an outdoor learning advocate and have led forest experiences with parents and practitioners in local green spaces across the city. I am a founding member of Bristol Early Years Outdoor Research Network (BEYORN).
Pippa Hawkins
3 Words that best describe Pippa
Why does Pippa love the outdoors?
I enjoy being outdoors in so many ways; my allotment, finding local inner city green spaces, exploring further away from home, riding my bike, cooking on an open fire and wild swimming in rivers and lakes. I find it is the place where I like to be for my own joy, inner calm and where I am nourished by the sheer awe and beauty of the natural world.
What is Pippa's favourite moment in the outdoors?
Some of my favourite times outdoors are with young children and their parents/carers when finding local green spaces that they haven't visited before and share the excitement of being outdoors in all weather conditions.
Why does Pippa think Outdoors Thinking is unique?
Outdoors Thinking is unique as it has been created by a collaboration of deep thinking experienced early years outdoor educators.
What is Pippa most excited about in her role as Outdoors Thinking Tutor?
I am excited to be part of this team in promoting outdoor learning experiences for all children with interested enthusiastic adults.